
Our Clinical Research Center in Indianapolis

If you're based around Indiana, you qualify for our dermatology clinical trials. Learn more about our trials available in clinical research center in Indianapolis

Benefits of Enrolling in a Clinical Trial

Enrolling in clinical trials offers immense benefits. Indiana University’s clinical trials center in Indianapolis provides firsthand opportunities for dermatology clinical trials and their associated benefits.

New Treatments:

You might get access to treatments that are different from what's usually offered, which could make a big difference in how you feel.

Expert Care:

In a trial, you'll be looked after by doctors who really know about skin. They'll keep a close eye on you and make sure you get the best care possible, tailored just for you.

Helping Others:

By taking part, you're helping scientists find better ways to treat skin problems.

Leading Clinical Research Center in Indiana

At Indiana University, we lead in dermatology education and research, with state-of-the-art facilities and a commitment to advancing knowledge and patient care. With over 500,000 square feet of research space, our center drives discoveries in dermatology and beyond, making clinical research recruitment easier.

Enrollment Process of Clinical Trials

Participating in a clinical trial involves several steps to ensure that participants understand the study and meet the necessary criteria.

Phone Screening

Phone screening is a friendly phone call by our staff to assess the eligibility of prospective participants involving a few questions about medical history and current health status.

On-Site Visit

During on-site visits, participants receive physical examinations, laboratory tests, and diagnostic procedures necessary for enrollment.

Informed Consent Form

Before enrolling, participants are given informed consent forms which ensure they decide about their involvement in the trial.